11th Pan Asian Association of Maritime Engineering Societies (PAAMES) Forum

Advanced Maritime Engineering Conference (AMEC) 2025
10-12 December 2025


Pan Asian Association of Maritime Engineering Societies (PAAMES) was organized to meet the following objectives:

  • Promoting science and technology in maritime engineering,
  • Supporting the development of maritime industry,
  • Exchanging scientific information,
  • Improving the status of maritime engineers, and
  • Enhancing the cooperation and collaboration among member organizations of PAAMES

PAAMES has been hosting conferences for a decade, starting with its first meeting in Shanghai, China in 2004. Initially held alongside the New S-Tech Conference, the event was renamed the Advanced Maritime Engineering Conference (AMEC) to broaden its scope. Subsequent meetings took place in various locations, including Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Russia. The most recent, the 10th PAAMES meeting, was held in Kyoto, Japan in 2023, showcasing the collaboration of maritime engineering societies across Asia.

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Pan Asian Association of Maritime Engineering Societies (PAAMES) past events

The 1st PAAMES meeting was held in Shanghai, China from October 26-29, 2004 in conjunction with the 4th New S-Tech Conference. After the conference the International Standing Committee (ISC) of the 1st PAAMES decided to change the name of New-S Tech to Advanced Maritime Engineering Conference (AMEC) in order to widen the scope, and to strengthen the link with PAAMES.

The 2nd PAAMES meeting and AMEC 2006 were held in Cheju National University in Jeju Island, Korea from October 18-20, 2006.

The 3rd PAAMES meeting and AMEC 2008 were organized in Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan from October 20-22, 2008.

The 4th PAAMES meeting and AMEC 2010 took place in National University of Singapore, Singapore from December 6-8, 2010.

The 5th PAAMES and AMEC 2012 were hosted in the Evergreen International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan from December 10-12, 2012.

The 6th PAAMES meeting and AMEC 2014 was held in Zhejiang Hotel, Hangzhou, China from October 28-30, 2014.

The 7th PAAMES meeting and AMEC 2016 were held in the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong, China from October 13-14, 2016.

The 8th PAAMES meeting and AMEC 2018 were organized in BEXCO, Busan, Korea, from October 16-19, 2018.

The 9th PAAMES meeting and AMEC 2021 were held in St. Petersburg Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia, from September 20-22, 2021.

The 10th PAAMES meeting and AMEC 2023 were held in Kyoto, Japan, during October 18-20, 2023, hosted by The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, The Japan Institute of Marine Engineering and Japan Institute of Navigation. 


A/Prof Ang Joo Hock


Dr Paul Ong

Vice Chairman

A/Prof Ng Chun Wee


Ms Joyce Tan


Dr Liu Shukui

Chairman of Technical/Program Committee

Dr Lim Chin Lee

Vice-Chairman of Technical/Program Committee

Mr Lee Ee Win

Chairman of Events/Sponsorship

Mr Rob Egan

Member of Technical/Program Committee

Mr Foo Nan Cho

Member of Events/Sponsorship

Prof Choo Yoo Sang

Advisor (Technical/Program)

Mr Cheah Kok Keong

Advisor (Events)